I effin rock! I love to blog just for fun. (Ok, so I'm really a huge dork with no life. Hey, I get really bored at work!) I started this blog as a way to get my fix of shopping cravings, since I am always broke and can't actually go shopping. What can I say? “We're living in a material world, and I'm a material girl...” Then I found Kaboodle and became obsessed with that site. So, now this blog is just for whatever I feel like doing at the time. So if you find something interesting--great! Leave comments, subscribe, or make fun of me if you will. Whatev. And if you get the urge to spend some money, feel free to buy me all the presents you want. (JK. haha! ...but not really.)

Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Another day of work completely wasted on the internet... why is my brain so against the idea of focusing on what I am supposed to be doing? Ah well...

So...This Friday marks the 2nd annual Looptopia. It sounded interesting last year so my friend and I have decided to check it out this weekend, despite predections of thunderstorms and chilly wind. However, those reports have led me to one exciting idea: I can wear my rain boots!! I have one pair that I don't particularly like and they are a size too big. But if I can get a new pair in time I am SO wearing them. I hope they're comfortable because we'll be doing a lot of walking. There are so many adorable choices at Target, its hard to choose which I like best. I think I've narrowed it down to 3, but then I go back to the list and find more I like! How do I choose?

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